News and Spotlights
Eastover News and Announcements
Halloween at Eastover was definitely a success! From the incredible costumes in our school parade to the decorated rooms with crafts run by parent volunteers, our students (and staff) had an absolute blast! Thank you to all who particpated in one way or another. It was so wonderful to see the support as our families lined the bus loop during the parade. I also wanted to take a moment to thank the many volunteers who helped to prep some of our Bridges math materials for our teachers. The time you gave was greatly appreciated and very helpful.
No School on Tuesday, November 5 for Election Day.
No School on Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29 for Thanksgiving Break.
Save the Date for Music Concerts at Eastover!
Third Grade: December 5
All concerts will be held in the Eastover Cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. More details to follow!
Check this article for updates on how to get involved in our PTO and/or how to support their efforts to enhance our students' experience at Eastover Elementary!
New this year! Instead of filling out the orange form when your child has a change in their dismissal is our Eastover Dimissal Change Form. While you can still send in the orange form with your change of plans, the digital form is a more efficient way of communicating the change with our office. The QR Code above is a quick way to submit your information.
District News
There will be a meeting on Wednesday, November 20 beginning at 7 p.m. at the Bloomfield Hills Doyle Center.
The Oakland County unofficial results for the November 5, 2024 General Election are available now. Bloomfield Hills Schools Board of Education has three open seats. The term for these seats will be January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2028.
The unofficial winners of the three seats are: Jason R. Abel, Michelle Southward, and Lindsay G. Baker.
Congratulations to our newly elected and re-elected trustees. BHS deeply appreciates the dedication of community members who step up to serve in this vital role. The Board of Education plays an essential part in ensuring that students in Bloomfield Hills Schools are provided every opportunity to thrive and succeed.
The Bloomfield Hills Schools Distinguished Service Award is given annually to recognize extraordinary contributions and service by BHS teachers, staff members, community members, parents, Board members, and alumni. Nominations are due December 8, 2024.
On a sunny Saturday morning, volunteers of all ages and from many communities came together at the Johnson Nature Center to plant 25 sugar maple saplings. This initiative was supported by ReLeaf Michigan, a nonprofit tree organization, in collaboration with the Johnson Nature Center, Friends of the Johnson Nature Center, Bloomfield Hills Schools, and the DTE Energy Foundation.
On national Make A Difference Day, Saturday, October 26, over 120 student and parent volunteers took part in the Bloomfield Hills Schools Make A Difference Day initiative. Over $1,500 was donated to Read to a Child, and over 2,800 books were donated to Whitman Elementary School. The community effort continues, with more book sorting and labeling to be completed - please sign up here to help!
As we approach the winter season, please review our guidelines for inclement weather and school closures.
In October 2024, the Bloomfield Hills Schools Foundation awarded over $25,000 in grants to fund 29 projects across the district, supporting initiatives in STEAM, literature, music, physical education, social-emotional learning, technology, and art.