News and Spotlights
Eastover News and Announcements
Our 4th and 5th Grade Teams of staff and students have been working hard to plan and lead SOAR assemblies. These assemblies will review what it means to SOAR at Eastover and highlight some students who have been caught exhibiting the traits of SOARing. This second assembly will focus on the "O" in SOAR, On-Task.
S: Self-Control
O: On-Task
A: Acceptance
R: Respect
We are asking our students to wear their grade level color Fun Run shirt. If you joined Eastover after the Fun Run, we have ordered shirts and hope to distribute this coming week. If you don't have or can't find your Fun Run shirt, don't worry, just wear your grade level color to show your spirit!
Wednesday, 2/19: Kindergarten/DK - PURPLE, 1st grade - BLUE, 4th grade - ORANGE
Monday, 2/24: 2nd grade - GREEN, 3rd grade - YELLOW, 5th grade - RED
Check this article for updates on how to get involved in our PTO and/or how to support their efforts to enhance our students' experience at Eastover Elementary!
This week was another interesting one as the snow came fast and furiously on Wednesday night, leaving us out of school on Thursday. It was special to get everyone back in the building on Friday to celebrate Valentine's Day. We hope you enjoy the long weekend with your family. Congratulations to our 3rd grade for winning Penny Wars! Overall, our school is the winner as we raised over $4,500 to support many events yet to come this school year. Thank you to everyone for their support.
The next phase of bond work is now underway at Eastover. Yesterday afternoon, construction work focused on the renovation of our flooring in our hallways began. This month-long project is an important step toward enhancing our learning environment for all students.
One District, One Book is designed to create a shared reading experience within the school community. Every family will receive a free book provided by The Bloomfield Twp Public Library and The Bloomfield Hills Schools Foundation. Each class will receive something special as well provided by our wonderful PTO. Families will read or listen to the chosen book at home.
On Monday, March 3rd the secret title will be revealed! Students will receive a special package. It will contain the book, a calendar of events, and some fun activities.
There will be no school on Monday, February 17.
There will be no school on Monday, March 24 - Friday, March 28 for Spring Break.
There will be no school on Monday, March 31 in observance of Eid.
Mrs. Livingston, our incredible media specialist, is excited to share some events that are happening at the Bloomfield Township Library.
Author Lynne Kelly's visit on February 27 has priority registration (which is free) to BHS students. This flyer provides more information about Ms. Kelly's work, including Song For A Whale, a book about a deaf girl named Iris who befriends a whale named Blue 55. The book explores themes of loneliness, communication barriers, and friendship. Register to attend at this link:
The Bloomfield Township Library also has a free program on January 30th that can help students learn more about how to use their public library. Register here:
It's time to order your yearbook! Click HERE to access the flyer with the different packages and the Instructions Sheet with information on how to order or just visit to order. The yearbook school code for Eastover is 12235025.
Registration for spring sports with community athletic partner organizations is now open. For a full list of our athletic partner organizations, please visit our Athletic & Recreation Partners page on the BHS website.
Save the Date for Music Concerts at Eastover!
Second Grade: February 27
All concerts will be held in the Eastover Cafeteria at 6:30 p.m. More details to follow!
New this year! Instead of filling out the orange form when your child has a change in their dismissal is our Eastover Dimissal Change Form. While you can still send in the orange form with your change of plans, the digital form is a more efficient way of communicating the change with our office. The QR Code above is a quick way to submit your information.
District News
Andover’s Class of 1974 celebrated their 50 year reunion this past Fall with a tour of Bloomfield Hills High School. After a busy weekend reliving old memories and making new ones, the organizers had leftover reunion funds. The committee decided to support educational grant programs by donating to the Bloomfield Hills Schools Foundation.
Saturdays at North Hills Middle School
2/22, 3/1, 3/8, 3/15...
Art students from three Bloomfield Hills Schools won over 40 awards in this year’s Scholastic Art Regional competition. The highest winners - gold key award winners - will move on to the national competition.
Black Hawk Fever ignited school spirit for students of all ages as families cheered on three of Bloomfield Hills High School’s basketball teams on a brisk February night.
It’s time to let BHS know if your children will be returning to Bloomfield Hills Schools next year. All families with students in grades DK-11, please fill out the simple form inside of the MISTAR Parent Portal by March 7, 2025. Your responses will help BHS create classroom communities and courses for next year.
Bloomfield Hills elementary schools prioritize social and emotional growth by fostering meaningful relationships across grade levels as part of teaching to the whole child.
Join us for an engaging and informative day exploring the impact of technology on your child’s development, education, and well-being. Please RSVP.