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Principal's Message: 9/7/24

Principal's Message: 9/7/24

September 7, 2024 


Dear Eastover Families,

I am so incredibly proud of our Eagles for the amazing start to the school year!  Thank you to our staff for all the extra hours (over the holiday weekend) preparing our building for this past Tuesday.  Mrs. Melymuka and I hosted assemblies for each grade level where we were able to discuss many routines as well as what it means to SOAR at Eastover!  As we moved into Wednesday, the students did a fabulous job making their way through the lunch line as we served over 400 pizza lunches!  I appreciate everyone's patience as our arrival and dismissal procedures started to become more routine throughout the week.  As this week wraps up I am beaming with Eastover pride and so excited for what's to come!

This coming week holds two big events.  Tuesday evening is Curriculum Night and Friday is our Picture Day!  See the articles below for more information.  Please take a moment to check out the Fun Run article and the PTO Corner to see all the amazing opportunities that the PTO provides to enhance our students' experiences and build community.  Don't forget to order your child's free t-shirt. Sizes are due in by 9/10 so please sign your student up now!  Also, the spiritwear window for fall ordering closes on 9/8.  Check it out and order today!

BREAKFAST:  If interested, a quick reminder to order your child their free breakfast for the upcoming week by 9:00 p.m. Sunday evening.  Details and the link can be found in the article below.

As we enter this new school year, “Be the best of whatever you are.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thanks again for such a fantastic first week of school!

Andy Gignac
Eastover Elementary
Bloomfield Hills Schools

BHS 2024-25 Calendar at a Glance

Important Upcoming Events - Plan Ahead
Tuesday, September 3 - First Day/Half Day of School (Dismissal at 12:25 p.m.)
Tuesday, September 3 - PTO Welcome Coffee 9:20-10:00 a.m.
Tuesday, September 10 - Curriculum Night 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Friday, September 13 - Picture Day!
Thursday, September 19 - Panera Restaurant Night 
Tuesday, September 24 - PTO Meeting in Media Center 7:00 p.m.
Friday, September 27 - PTO Sponsored Fun Run (more info to come)
Thursday, October 3 - No School